Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Bengies Winter Show

Dear Great Patrons and Fans ofthe Bengies Drive-In Theatre,

My First email on this special event was flawed, and folks who did notread beyond the first line thought the email came to them late.

All of the Bengies Rules and Policies are in effect for this event. There is NO CHARGE for admission, BUT, you MUST RSVP (See Below), and we ask you to bring NOoutside food or beverage, but the permit will be available, just incase.  Credit Cards will be accepted at the Concession for anypurchases, food or otherwise.
Concessionwill be open with a somewhat limited but popular menu, with at leastone deal, RE-FILLS on Jumbo Popcorn and Jumbo Sodas.

This event IS for members of the our email mailing list "THE VOICE" sothe RSVP is your ONLY way in. Follow the instructions given later inthis email.

Features for this Saturday's (January 20th) event are theanimated treat "FLUSHED AWAY", rated PG, and the WIDE SCREEN action and heartwarmingstory of "SECONDHAND LIONS" rated PG.  Gates OPEN at5PM, Show Starts at 6PM.  Gates CLOSE At 8PM.  NO ONE is ADMITTEDAFTER THE BOX OFFICE IS CLOSED!  Admission is granted ONE TIMEONLY, meaning you may not leave and return.  Enjoy what you want,but once the patron leaves they will not be permitted to re-enter.
This event is to Celebrate theKick-off of the recentlyfinalized and produced BENGIES DRIVE-IN THEATRE 50TH ANNIVERSARYCollection of items, and promote the sales of these items at a discount for our email list of fans andpatrons. This is forkeeping in touch, with a "PARTY" atmosphere, and toallow regular supportive patrons to purchaseANY of the memorabilia items for a 20% discount ON THATNIGHT ONLY. You can NOW purchaseALL of our itemsdirectly over the Internet by using a Credit OR Debit Card, Check, aswell as any other way you would like to do so.  The LINK to the WebSite page for thisis here: ORDER BENGIES STUFF  The Browseraddress is : incase you need to copy and paste it into your Web Browser.
I hope you all will drop by and see usand each other on Saturday, January 20th.  If you cannot do that,please visit the website, although you will see may fine pictures therethat are INDEED IMPRESSIVE, you will flip out when you see these inreal life.  Beautiful and thoughtful designs, and a real 50th attitude.
PLEASE NOTE: The 50th Items will only be available through May 2007, thenthe designs will change. Since re-orders on our side will only be ifnecessary, this may be the only inventory that will be available.  Ifyou really want one of these special anniversary items, act soon, orwemay be out of your style, SIZE, or selection if you decide to wait.

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