Saturday, May 5, 2007

Bengies - Friday May 4th

Matthew, Jeremy and I went to this.


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Dear GREAT Patrons of the Bengies Drive-In Theatre,


It is a GO!  We are presenting the wide screen event of "SPIDERMAN 3" rated PG13,  on the "break" and  we will be  including "ARE WE DONE YET?" a great family comedy rated PG, AND the spectacular story and imagery of the wide screen "other" comic book hero "GHOST RIDER" rated PG13. 

The >CLOSER< it gets to sunset, the L - O - N - G - E - R the line will Become! ARRIVE EARLY!!!

I want to express one more time, the MOST important things that our loyal patron base can do for us to help speed the line and get you in:

2.  Have your daytime running lights OUT or covered BEFORE you get to the box office. 
3. Have your currency out and ready for the cashier.

My biggest concern is creating any sort of traffic Jamb
on the busy state highway, Maryland 150 east (Eastern Blvd.)  If the traffic builds up, the police have no chose but to busy the light and/or "Broom" the traffic away.  Arriving early can prevent any kind of difficulty for ALL of us.

Complete schedule is below.

As always, visit: OR OR OR  for feature synopsis and more. Or just click on the BENGIES banner below:

Bengies Drive-In Theatre

3417 Eastern Blvd. Baltimore, MD 21220 Since 1956
Feature & Show Time Information: *NEW* 410 391-1956 OR the Good 'ol Original: 410 687-5627
Box Office OPENS THIS Friday, Saturday, & Sunday At 6:30PM.
The Show CURRENTLY Starts All 3  Nights At Sunset,
Now Occurring At 8:00PM

The show starts all 3 operating nights Promptly at dusk, now occurring at 8PM,
 with the Twilight Opening, and a Warner Brothers CLASSIC Cartoon. Cartoon at intermission(s) also!

Friday & Saturday, TriPPPle FEATURE  May 4 & 5
Gates Open at 6:30PM.  Show starts at Sunset (8PM) with our Twilight Opening, and then right into :
“ARE WE DONE YET?” PG, (after the opening sequence)
( W I D E  S C R E E N ) At 10:15pm
( W I D E  S C R E E N )  After MIDNIGHT**
Remember, if you come at or after 11:45PM, but before the box office closes at 12:15AM, you can get the reduced
TOTAL admission of $4 per person OF ALL AGES.    NO ONE is admitted after the box office is closed.

Sunday DouBBle FEATURE    May 6
Gates Open at 6:30PM.  Show starts at Sunset (8PM) with our Twilight Opening, and then right into :
( W I D E  S C R E E N ) (after the opening sequence)
“GHOST RIDER” PG13, ( W I D E  S C R E E N ) After 10:30pm**
**Remember, if you come at or after 10:15PM, but before the box office closes at 10:45PM, you can get the reduced
TOTAL admission of $4 per person OF ALL AGES.    NO ONE is admitted after the box office is closed.

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, Simply visit the web site, ( click on join our mailing list, and follow the instructions to un-subscribe.  The direct link to the unsubscribe page is here: UNSUBSCRIBE  You need to scroll

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